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MWhen I met Kathleen she was as hot as the sun and exuded sex without even trying. Her athletic legs were the perfect balance of muscular and feminine and ended, at what most men would agree, is the perfect ass. Round and firm without being large, and the perfect size for her 5'7" body.There was only one problem with Kathleen... she was married and I was was her lover on the side.Her husband Mike was a nice. Jessie's ass bobbed and she moaned with fuck-lust as her brother fucked her hard."Yessss, Brad, yessss! Fuck me haaard!" the younger girl cried, beside herself with passion."Oh, God, Daddy, I feel as I could come any second!" Lani screamed.But Mike wasn't quite ready for that. And, so, he eased back and drew his cock from her pussy."Suck it for a while, baby," he said hoarsely.For a moment, the girl was disappointed that her father had stopped fucking her. But then, eyeing his pulsating prick,. Softly biting and nipping at the cheeks of her soft ass he slid a hand around to her stomach, and then lower to her still sensitive pussy. ‘Where do you want me to fuck you? Here?’ He pushed a finger deep up into her pussy, making her cry out. ‘Or here?’ He slid his finger out of her and brought it around to slide it down the delicate crack until it was touching her asshole. ‘Fuck! I don’t care where! Just please, fuck me!’ Kris was almost crying in frustration at this point, desperate to feel.

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